Cambia Health Foundation recently announced $510,000 of investments that aims to strengthen the behavioral health care workforce in Idaho, Oregon, Utah and Washington. Grant recipients were selected through the Foundation’s request for proposal process that launched earlier this year. This funding marks more than $1 million invested in the past year toward relieving the strain on the region’s behavioral health care workforce.
“There are simply not enough professionals who can meet the increased demand for behavioral health services, and providers are burning out,” said Peggy Maguire, president of Cambia Health Foundation. “We’re approaching support for the workforce in non-traditional ways alongside our grantees. It’s a complex problem that won’t be solved overnight, but we feel hopeful and inspired by the work of our community partners.”
These investments are part of the Foundation’s Health Care Workforce program, which aims to expand, diversify and train the health care workforce across Idaho, Oregon, Utah and Washington to reduce regional shortages of behavioral health providers.