Two weeks ago there were 44 million caregivers in the United States. Now, we are all caregivers. Caregivers include medical teams, grocery workers, truck drivers and others - working to find balance, trying to perform at work, while not jeopardizing the care provided to their loved ones. During this pandemic, employers play a unique role in helping their employees as we find a “care-life balance.” Finding this balance of caring for family requires patience, grace and flexibility from all of us.
We’re in This Together
Cambia and Archangels have teamed up to thank our caregivers, all of us, for the work we are doing to keep our country running and our families cared for in these difficult times.
Take the Pledge and Add the Badge to Your Social Media Profile
We ask you to take the pledge today and display this badge proudly on your social media profiles.
Download the images below to join the conversation on social media.
- Social Media Image "Thank You For Being A Caregiver" with Archangels.Me URL
- Social Media Image "Thank You For Being A Caregiver" without Archangels.Me URL
Personalize Your Badge with Your Own Story
Share your badge on social media with one of the these sample messages of thanks:
- I’m thankful for my son who has set up a network to keep me healthy and safe while living many states away.
- I’m thankful for all of the associates at the store for keeping things running smoothly for us right now. Thank you!
- My partner is living with a chronic illness. I hadn’t considered myself a caregiver but figure it’s worth mentioning. Thank you, caregivers.
- As a leader in my company, I have tremendous gratitude for how this organization is caring for all of our customers and our community.
- I care for both of my aging parents. I’m thankful for all the medical and public service workers in our community.
How to Support Caregivers with Our Actions
- Publicly display your support of caregivers, by displaying the Archangels Look.Love.Lift flyer in your home or car window
- Offer to run errands or pick up groceries for a caregiver you know
- Write a thank you note, telling a caregiver in your life how much they’re appreciated
- Send a caregiver you know a care package
- Make a meal for them and their family, or have a food delivery service drop a meal off
- Offer to walk their dog or take care of their yard
- Sew face masks for them and their family
- Check in, ask them how they’re doing, and listen
- Send them a gift card to a local business
- Connect them to resources they may need
- Ask how you can best support them
Additional Resources to Thank Caregivers
- Cambia Thanks Caregivers - Sign/Flyer
- Email Signature Image "Thank You Caregiver" with Archangels.Me URL
- Email Signature Image "Thank You Caregiver" without Archangels.Me URL
- Follow Cambia on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram and check out our Caregiving page for more resources.